Email FAQs

  1. Mail settings
    1. Incoming (POP, IMAP) and outgoing (SMTP) mail servers:
      1. For accounts:
      2. For (domain) accounts:
    2. Ports
      1. POP: 995 (ssl) preferred, 110 allowed
      2. IMAP: 993 (ssl) preferred, 143 allowed
      3. SMTP: 587 preferred, 25 allowed, 465 allowed; Outlook requires port 465 using SSL/TLS as the security option; port 587 can be used with STARTTLS. Android devices may require SMTP port 465.
  2. Mailing Lists
    OlympusNet does not support mass emailing. Send mass email via bulk email services such as Mailchimp or ConstantContact.
  3. Email sent from OlympusNet is signed with SPF, DKIM and DMARC signatures so that recipient servers can authenticate that the email was sent from OlympusNet mail servers.
    1. Email sent from a account on another domain, say Gmail, or, may not authenticate properly on the recipient mail server.
      1. Every email carries authentication information with it.
        Those header lines may be viewed on macOS and Windows per:
        1. Show detailed headers in Mail on Mac
        2. How to Show Email Headers in Windows Mail and Outlook