Log in to the Domain Control Panel with admin@yourdomain.com and your administrator password or with your full administrator email address and password, if different.
After logging into the Control Panel, click the Pencil (Advanced Tools) icon to access all the tools available for managing your domain. Each tool opens in a separate browser window and is mostly self explanatory. The Support link in the top right corner for each tool gives more information about that tool. A listing with a synopsis of the tool and Helpful Hints follows.
To log out of a tool, simply close the separate window it is running in. To log out of the Control Panel, select Logout from the My Account dropdown in the black menu bar.
Consult your webmaster for help with website tools.
EasyMail Setup - Create/manage email accounts and aliases
- Dashboard - View, add or modify your email accounts and aliases.
- Settings
- Enable/Disable Catchall and Virus scanning. For more information about these, click the “?” next to the titles on the relevant page.
- Use the OlympusNet Email Settings NOT those shown on the Email Settings page in this Settings section.
- Create Account/Modify Account - Create/modify email accounts and aliases (As these functions can be done from the Dashboard, we prefer using the Dashboard instead of these tabs.)
- Help - The information contained in this area is outdated and should not be used. See EmailHelp for current information.
- See How to Access Domain Email Admin Dashboard for detailed help documents for all email management.
Website Tools
FileManager Pro
- File Manager allows you to take full control of your website files. It is a safe alternative to full shell access for sophisticated users. You can copy, move, delete, rename and edit files, create and remove directories, change file permissions and upload files from your local computer to the server.
- File Manager is best used to manipulate files that have been previously uploaded to your website. To upload more than one file at a time, an FTP client, such as Filezilla or WinSCP, is generally more efficient.
FTP Manager
- Set up and manage FTP access and users.
- Give different users access to certain areas of your site.
Custom Error Pages
- Attach custom error pages that are built and uploaded separately to part or all of the website.
- Create and upload error page, then use this wizard to make it active.
DNS Manager
- Edit Zone file (A records, MX records, CName).
- Should only be used with care and understanding.
- Ill advised changes to these records may cause problems with your website and email.
Advanced Tools
MySQL Manager
- Create/Delete MySQL users, create MySQL Database.
- Install, Uninstall, Change Password, Launch in new browser window.
PHP Manager
- Here you can change PHP version for your domain.
Website Security
- Restrict access to certain sections of your website, create and manage a list of users who will have access to the protected section.
Log Manager
- Obtain raw server logs about your site activity and traffic.
SSH Manager
- Provides a secure way to log into another computer over a network, to execute commands in a remote machine and to move files from one machine to another.
- Primarily for advanced users with a working knowledge of UNIX
- Must be enabled to use SCP or shell access Design EasySiteWizard Pro - Easily build a professional website.