Setup Outlook 2010

The purpose of this page is to describe how to set up a new email account to work with OlympusNet email servers.

  1. Start Outlook 2010 and the Microsoft Outlook 2010 Startup wizard will display. Select Next.
  2. The Account Configuration dialog box will display E-mail Accounts asking if you would like to configure an E-mail account. Verify that Yes is selected and click Next.
    Add Yes\
  3. In the Auto Account Setup dialog box, select Manually configure server settings or additional server types and click Next.
    Manual Config\
  4. In the Choose Service dialog box, verify that Internet E-mail is selected and click Next.
    Internet Email\
  5. Carefully follow the text below for the appropriate settings for your account and enter the details into the fields marked by red rectangles in the screenshot following the text.
    1. For email (, enter for both the Incoming Mail Server and Outgoing Mail Server in the Server Information section.
    2. For email in your own domain (, enter for both Incoming Mail Server and Outgoing Mail Server.
    3. For both account types:
      1. For Your Name, enter your name (e.g., Jane Doe).
      2. For E-mail Address, enter your OlympusNet or your domain email address (e.g., or
      3. For Account Type, select POP3. Advanced users may use IMAP.
      4. Under Logon Information, User Name MUST be your full email address.
      5. Enter the password for the email address.
      6. The Remember Password checkbox should be checked.
      7. Click on the More Settings button.
        More Settings\
  6. Click on the Outgoing Server tab. Check the checkbox My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication. Check Use same settings as my incoming server. Click OK. Then click Next on the main settings dialog box, then click Finish.
    Outgoing Auth\