Create Mailing Groups

This document shows how to create a new contact group of multiple addresses, to easily send email to several recipients at once by choosing the group name. (Note: to keep within the server rules and make it easier to troubleshoot, keep your groups below 40 recipients.)

  1. Log in to Webmail with your email address and password.
  2. Click on Contacts in the black ribbon on the left.
  3. With Contacts highlighted, click on the three vertical dots, and from the menu select + Add Group.
  4. Type in a name for the group and click Save.
  5. With Contacts highlighted under Groups, the address book is open in the column to the right. Contacts can be dragged into the new group name from the address book, or the Select option above the column may be used.
  6. To add contacts manually, click on the group name, then click the +Create in the gray banner above to create a new contact card. Click the Save button when done.
  7. Click on Compose to create a new email, then type in the group name in the Recipient or BCC field. A popup will arise below showing the group name - click on it to select, and send the email.
  8. Click Mail to get back to your email when done.